weekly film
Lights out is a supernatural horror film, the film was directed by David F Sandberg and was his directorial debut. The film was produced by Lawrence Grey and written by Heisserer, it was also distributed by Warner brothers. Lights Out grossed 148 million against a 4.8 million budget. Sandberg, created the initial short film for a film competition. However, he film did not win the competition, the short film went viral, leading to Sandberg to be contacted by several agents.Special effects have been used to have the ghost appear and disappear were mostly done by using a split-screen technique as also used in the short ,Sandberg said "Whenever she’s in frame with another character. The film uses dark lighting to link to the sinister theme, it gives off a unknowing feeling as the darkness leaves us in mystery. Lights Out uses different lighting techniques to link to the storyline,for example the light goes from on to off, the supernatural creature only appears in the dark. Th...