Brick analysis

Brick analysis

Brick is a 2005 American mystery film , it is written and directed by Rian Johnson this film was his debut, at directing , Brick stars Joseph Gordon-Levitt. It  was distributed by Focus Features, and opened in New York and Los Angeles on April 7, 2006

The films of Brick  started  with Rian Johnson's obsessions with Dashiell Hammett's novels. the film was shot in 20 days,despite this he spent a large amount of time beforehand refining the script and three months rehearsing with the cast.The majority of the film's special effects were cheaply and efficiently produced using practical and in-camera effects.Nevertheless the original cut of the film ran over two hours, although it was edited down to 117 minutes for the Sundance Film Festival.

The film opens with the camera being handheld this makes the shot wobbly this could suggest that something isn't quite right, this is later confirmed by the dead body laying in the tunnel. It then cuts to a close up, this shows Brendan's emotions , he appears to be devastated. Furthermore the lighting in the opening scene is dark and the colours used on set are dark this could link to death and depression this could link to the body in the water. The scene also uses a shot reverse shot to show Brendans emotions and the body, this could imply that this his thought process at this time and every time it cuts to the body that is what he is looking at. The last shot using this device is of the hand this is so we can link this to the character as the next shot tells us she is alive ,this allows the audience to understand that this has gone back in time and is not told in chronological order.

Within the chase scene the lighting is still dark which yet again links to depression and danger, Brick does not do the typical tracking shot in this film the camera tends to stay still and cuts alot to show the chase from a distance, the camera at one point barley shows the chase in the frame , this makes it tense as the audience isn't finding out what they need to know. Additionally, the sound effect of the feet tapping on the floor while there running is exaggerated for dramatic affect ,the noise is upbeat noise mirrors the tension.
In conclusion the film was rated 80 percent on rotten tomatoes website based on 137 reviews.


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