Sightseers character profile

Sightseers character profile


At the beginning of the film Chris is represented as a sweet person, he is portrayed as a kind person, he help Tina pack. However we are quick to learn that he is a psychopath, he repeatedly killed people with little emotion to his actions but at the same time he shows his emotions towards his girlfriend Tina. He is character that shows no remorse what so ever he as he murders people “with structure”, this adds on to his psychopathic personality as its almost an excuse. Chris is a dominating character as he almost manipulates Tina’s mind into thinking it is right for example “reducing the amount of people reduces the carbon footprint” although at the end this personality shifts as he thinks Tina killing a bird to be was “witch” thing to do it shows he has some remorse.


Tina is represented as a naïve and childish women, she is manipulated very easily by Chris, and she is shown to have feelings and emotions at the beginning as she states “murder is wrong Chris”. Yet again this personality shifts, she then turns into the dominant, psychopathic one, and however you could argue that this is due to being manipulated by Chris. Tina then becomes the one who is a cold hearted murderer and thinks killing people is right because you think it’s what your partner wants. She also believes pushing someone of a cliff solves a tiny problem. Additionally, Tina helps steal a dead guy’s dog then name it after her dog from the past that had died; you could say this is another example of when she is portrayed as psychopathic. Despite this she is shown to love towards her partner she is shown as clingy until she doesn’t kill herself with him.


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