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This article follows the Me Too campaign which is about women stepping out about being sexually assaulted. The campaign became huge after Harvey Weinstein hit the news after victims of sexual assault  came forward. Since, many women have came forward using the #metoo on social media the campaign spread virally in October 2017 as a hashtag used on social media to help demonstrate the widespread prevalence of sexual assault and harassment, especially in the workplace.Since, The Washington Post also found that 54% of American women report receiving "unwanted and inappropriate" sexual advances with 95% saying that such behavior usually goes unpunished.Since the coverage was reported widespread discussions were made about how the lack of effected reports is a big factor that drives unchecked sexual misconduct in the workplace. As the campaign goes on countries such as France and Italy discuss whether cultural norms need to be changed in order for sexual harassment to be eradicated from the workplace.


  1. Very informative and excellent accurate statistics to support your points


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