weekly film analysis-Get Out

weekly film analysis-Get Out.

Get out is an american horror film ,directed by Jordan Peele, The film tells the story of a black male who visits his white girlfriends parents. The film grossed 254.6 million dollars against a 4.5 production budget.

The protagonist of the film, Chris Washington tells the story from his perspective ,this is almost like the director wants to put the audience in his shoes of people who are racially abused ,as not everyone in society face these problems. This tends to be done using tacking shots, doing this allows the audience to see everything unfold as the character does ,in some ways this allows the audience to feel like they are facing the trouble with him. In the film the parents of Rose Armitage are used as a vechical to show racism as a person, instead of using a ghost they put the problem of racism in its place.

Get Out, uses a series of close ups of different white peoples faces, but then cuts back to our protagonist , this is done to show that he is a minority, this is very realistic to the real world as  he would also be a minority in the US and other countries such as the UK.For the audience this is the first sign that suggests the film is about racial themes.

The film uses props that convey messages of horror. for example in a scene where the couple first arrive at the house, a mid shot is used of our main character showing with a picture on the wall behind him, this picture looks like blood scattered across a page. This convention is clearly inflicting horror as the colour red connotes to danger and death , this is one of the fist signs the audience gets that something isn't quite right. Furthermore, the movie uses little light sources to convey the unknowing  , the main light source is candles which could connote that her family shed little light on equality in the world

During the scene where Chris demands for the keys the music is high pitched but as he becomes more and more in danger it becomes low pitched ,this builds more tension to the scene. It is at this point he realises he has been betreailed by his so called girlfriend ,therefore this sound effect cause symbolise how hurt he is as the action becomes more deep.  I


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