no country for old men character profiles

Anton Chigurh

Anton is a evil character , he comes across as cold and heartless as he does not care about killing a mass amount of people. Additionally, he is portrayed as out of place to his surrounding ,he is very different to other characters because he seems un- human like due to being remorseless and only cares about what he is doing at that moment in time rather than past or future. Anton has a inexpressive dialect, which emphasize that he is an evil character.

Llewellyn Ross

He plays a good and bad character ,however he is no where near the level of Anton, this because he is willing to kill Anton ,which why he bought a new gun but also had already had a shoot out with him, although his not evil because he hasn't killed anyone and went back to the dessert to give someone water. Llewellyn comes across as selfish as he chooses to save the money then his own life but also puts his wife life in danger.


The Sheriff is a old wise man , who plays a very good character but hasn't been shown doing much, this could be because he doesn't understand modern crime , this is emphasized by a speech in the beginning about crime before. However , we do see him try to save Llewellyn but is too late, this shows that he is kind hearted.


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