Spike Lee Films

Do The Right Thing in comparison with 2 other Spike Lee films.

Do The Right Thing is a comedy-drama,it tells the story of a neighbourhood in Brooklyn, where there is racial tension,which culminates in a serious incidence. A second Spike Lee film called Malcolm X is a biological drama about an activist called Malcolm ,the film shows key events in his life. Additionally ,Inside Man is also directed by Spike , the film follows the genre of a crime-thriller and tells the story of a heist in Manhattan.

Firstly, Do The Right Thing and Malcolm X explores the theme of racial inequality,however the way they have done it is very different. Do The Right Thing uses explores the theme of racial inequality by using a mid-shot ,where the camera is panning towards the characters , direct address is used while they say racial slurs to the camera , the shot shows a policeman,Sal and Mookie doing so. It creates a message that racism is a widespread problem. On the other hand, Malcolm X has edited flashbacks within to show this, the flashbacks tend to be used with a cut to make it clear to the audience that it isn't happening at that exact moment, it gives an additional effect that it has traumatised the main character Malcolm X. Although, inside man doesn't explore racial themes but it does explore the theme of crime,we understand this by the narrative being told by the character of Dalton Russell ,who is located in a cell.

Secondly, Do the right thing and Malcolm x ,show a revolution against racism. Do The Right Thing uses a tracking shot following Mookie ,who starts the revolution by throwing a bin through the window which leads to a long shot of people storming into the restaurant,this connotes to the mass amount of people who were effected and angry about the racial inequality in America. Similarly Malcolm X uses high angled long shots to show the mass amount of people demonstrating against the racial inequality.However while doing this Do The Right Thing use the theme of non-peaceful demonstrations to show this,while Malcolm X explores peaceful demonstrations such as speeches. Inside Man uses cuts to show action as the story is told from a prison cell, this add to how dramatic the action is and builds tension.

Thirdly, the use of Mise en scene in Malcolm X tends to give the film a sophisticated look, the male characters tend to wear suits ,this could be done to represent where it was set ,which was the late 1960,s. Furthermore the suits could connote to power , as Malcolm lead a huge campaign for equal rights for black people. In contrast Do The Right Thing shows there characters wearing more casual clothes to show that the film is set in the urban area of Brooklyn. Moreover, Inside Man uses police costumes and guns for props to highlights that it is a crime based  film and to add tension to the story, the film also uses painter costumes to make the complicated, this is because at times you can't tell who is the hostages or who is the bank robbers.

In conclusion Do the right thing and Malcolm X are very similar in terms of themes and story lines,however the way they present these themes are very different. On the other hand Inside man does not follow the films as much but it uses themes of crime and presents them using tracking shots ,just like Do The Right Thing .


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