
In casablanca there was varias techniques used for the cinematography ,for example the set had many objects that would cast shadows on the actors/actresses ,this gave it a more dramatic effect and connoted to different meanings.For instants the use of blinds were used to casts shadows, to connotes to being secretive ,as you can look outside but no one can see you ,we see this in the scene when Laszlo was about to leave to the underground meeting .  In addition when Ilsa wears a hat it casts a shadow across half her face which could imply we only know half of her story ,which we then find out later on.The lighting for Casablanca is dark as it is set in the nighttime ,the main light source used is the moving spotlight ,which gives the effect of revealing secrets of the characters in the film.Moreover fog was used to suggest the idea of uncertainty, for example in the last scene when Rick and captain Louis were walking out into the foggy runway whilst talking about going away to fight the war(within the audio codes),signifies that the future isn't clear. Furthermore many close ups were used to play attention to detail ,e.g when llsa was crying they used a close up of her tears ,also a close up was used of the Vichy water alongside a tilt shot this signifies patriotism ,as it is a German drink. The tilt shot used here could indicate a negative connotation as it gives the effect that something isn't quite right, this links to the film being produced during World War 2 ,which is why the Vichy Goverment is frowned upon.

Casablanca uses mise-en-scene, such as the costumes, so we can understand clearly who is who and how they are being represented ,such as the German soldiers who wore military uniforms and the general public who wore smart suits and dresses. The use of fog was used to cover up the airfield to cover up the airplane props this is because the film was produced 1941/42 therefore the model they had may not have been good so they used fog to hide this. Additionally they used a German drink Vichy water to give the film a patriotic theme as Casablanca was Vichy controlled at this point(Nazi control)

In the editing of Casablanca is does not show many cuts because of the use of invisible editing unless its cutting to an important scene such as the cut to the Nazi in the car which makes it more dramatic. Lastly Casablanca effectively gets the eyelines of the conversations ,a key shot they use for this is to film over the shoulder of the person speaking with it facing who they are talking to , this makes it clear and doesn't allow the audience to get confused to who they are talking to.

The use of sound in the film varies to what is happening within the visual codes, calmer moments a higher key is used but during more dramatic moments the key is lower and is faster. This is done to build tension and emphasize the drama within the visual codes. Besides this a dramatic gun sound effect is used to add onto the effect also to make it clear what has happened as they might of not chose to always film the person being shot ,instead they could have showed it through the audio codes. In addition Casablanca has used the sound of the plane as a catalyst as when Rick is saying goodbye to Ilsa and Laszlo the plane goes off which speeds up the scene and builds tension because it makes it seem like they are going to miss it.


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