Compare and contrast Winters Bone and Captain Fantastic
Compare and contrast Winters Bone and Captain Fantastic This essay will compare and contrast Winters Bone and Captain Fantastic. First of all, Winters Bone is an independent drama, whereas Captain Fantastic is a comedic drama, despite being different genre these films share similar elements. Captain Fantastic tells the story of a family who live in the Washington wilderness due to their parents beliefs and raising their children as liberal activist, however due to circumstances they have to reintegrate into modern society. This film uses bright lighting throughout to imply that it is a happy place .The film uses the concept of different lifestyles to contrast with others in the modern world, in the opening scene of this film uses mid-shots and long shots are used to represent the family. These types of shots are convenient because we get to see their surroundings as well as their actions, this allows the audience to establish their lifestyle. Winters Bone doe...